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The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning - A Symbol Of Willpower And Strength

Are you willing to overcome your emotional reactions and take charge of your own reality, especially when it comes to self-development? When someone is driven to win or succeed at all costs, the Chariot tarot card meaning appears. It is the tarot deck's seventh Major Arcana card.

Author:James Pierce
Reviewer:Paolo Reyna
Aug 31, 202213.5K Shares387.4K Views
Are you willing to overcome your emotional reactions and take charge of your own reality, especially when it comes to self-development? When someone is driven to win or succeed at all costs, the Chariot tarot card meaningappears. It is the tarot deck's seventh Major Arcana card.
The Chariot is associated with the Cancer zodiac sign. It is also known as the Centurion or the Victory. When your angels want you to focus your efforts on a specific path or goal, the Chariot card appears.
When the Chariot tarot card is drawn during readings, it represents determination, triumph, and optimism. It provides you with a more optimistic sense of direction.

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning And S

The Chariot Tarot card depicts a valiant warrior standing in a chariot. This warrior wears armor adorned with crescent moons, which represent what is to come. The armor also includes a tunic with a square (representing willpower) and various alchemical symbols that represent spiritual transformation.
The laurel and the star crown all represent victory, success, and spiritual growth. Although he appears to be driving the chariot, the charioteer has no reins. The charioteer, like the Magician, wields a wand that represents his command of the chariot and mental strength.
The charioteer stands tall, focused on activity and progress. Six stars circle his head, indicating his connection to the heavenly realm and Divine purpose.
This vehicle is flanked on either side by a pair of black and white sphinxes, representing the existence of opposing but complementary energies. The two charioteers are fighting each other, but they manage to steer the chariot in the desired direction.
A large river rushes behind the chariot, representing the need to be "in sync" with life's rhythm while still pressing forward toward your goals and intentions.

Keywords Of The Chariot Tarot Card

To help you understand the upright and reversed Chariot tarot interpretations, here is a quick rundown of some of the most important phrases associated with this card.
  • Upright– Control, Orientation, Strength, and Direction
  • Reversed– Hostility, a lack of direction, a lack of control, and a lack of self-discipline
  • Numerology– 7
  • Element– Water
  • Yes or No– Yes
  • Planet– Moon
  • Astrological Zodiac Sign– Cancer

Meaning And Guide Of The Chariot Upright Card

The Chariot Card on top of a blue table along with other cards and a crystal
The Chariot Card on top of a blue table along with other cards and a crystal
The Chariot Tarot card represents strength, determination, and self-discipline. You learned how to make decisions that are in line with your ideals in the Lovers card, and now you're putting those decisions into action. If you see The Chariot in a Tarot reading, don't be alarmed.
You've decided what you want to achieve, and you're dedicating your entire energy to making those dreams a reality. You will succeed if you apply discipline, determination, and willpower to achieve your objectives.
The period of inactivity and waiting for things to go your way has passed. Regardless of the challenges that may arise, you must take decisive action and stick to your plan.
You may find yourself being pulled in two directions, putting your resolve and strength to the test. Others' efforts to obstruct, divert, or otherwise impede your progress may impede the pursuit of your goal.
The Chariot, on the other hand, encourages you to draw on your determination and focus on what is most important to you in order to overcome obstacles.
The Chariot is a message to those who are unsure whether they have what it takes to achieve their goals or complete a critical assignment that they will be successful if they maintain their focus and remain confident in their abilities.
Concentration on the task at hand necessitates the use of willpower and self-discipline. If you try to save time and money by doing things the easy way, you will fail.
Instead, view this challenge as a test of your perseverance and commitment, and know that success is within your grasp if you take the necessary steps.
In the face of adversity, the Chariot card advises you to be fearless and assertive. You will never get what you want unless you speak up and set clear expectations.
You must have faith in yourself and fully understand who you are and what you believe in. The Chariot card represents personal growth based on the Lovers card's personal beliefs, values, and ideals.
When used in a natural setting, The Chariot represents travel, particularly commuting or taking a long road trip. You might even think about selling your house and buying an RV so you can travel across the country!

Meaning And Guide Of The Chariot Reversed Card

The upright Chariot encourages moving forward with a major project and overcoming any obstacles that may arise. The Chariot Reversed, on the other hand, encourages you to reconsider your path and reconsider your choices. It's the same as making a U-turn.
You might find yourself banging your head against a wall when you should be backing off or changing directions on a project. You may have depleted your enthusiasm and are no longer as committed to the goal as you were when you first started the project.
So, if things aren't going as planned, take a step back and reassess the situation to see if a course correction is required. Is there an underlying reason why things are becoming more difficult? What can I learn from this experience?
This could indicate that you're allowing obstacles and difficulties to get in your way of achieving your goals.
It's all too much for you to bear, and you're losing your will to live. Take some time to consider what is truly important to you and why this ambition is so important to you.
Will you be swayed by the opinions of others, or will you give up when confronted with difficulties? Or are you going to keep your promise?
The Chariot Reversed could indicate that you are putting your core ideologies and beliefs first, such as self-respect, discipline, inner determination, and personal dedication.
It is possible to find intentions that are in line with your Life Purpose. Another option is to use visualization and meditation to align your energy with your goals. Internally focused actions are required so that you can act when the time comes.
If you prefer to feel in control of your life, now is a great time to tighten the reins and get even more focused on your goals.
The trick is to focus on what you can control rather than on what you cannot. Don't be concerned about things over which you have no control.
Don't waste time worrying about things over which you have no control. Examine your options for resolving the problem.
Similarly, The Chariot Reversed suggests that you may be attempting to manage every aspect of your life, but in doing so, you feel even more out of control than you already do.
Allow yourself to let go of control and allow things to unfold naturally. Be grateful for the help you received, even if it wasn't exactly what you expected. Remember that you do not have to be in command of the situation! Just have faith that everything will work out in the end.

Health Reading And Meaning The Chariot Tarot

A person holding a Chariot Tarot card with some plants on its background
A person holding a Chariot Tarot card with some plants on its background
When the Chariot appears in your tarot reading, it improves both the health and spirituality readings. In any case, the key takeaway is that you must take charge and get things done.
In ancient times, a charioteer was a brave and daring warrior who led his chariot into battle. You must adopt the same personality when attempting to improve your emotional, spiritual, or physical health. You are the most important person in your life!
  • Have a commanding presence.
  • Be fearless and fearless.

Career And Money Meaning The Chariot Tarot

In terms of the physical world and money, the Chariot tarot card suggests that you should focus on the end goal and the outcome rather than getting bogged down by life's ups and downs.
Don't be distracted by other things; instead, concentrate on what you're trying to accomplish and what you want to achieve.
Focus your entire attention on a positive goal to avoid obsessing over the negative.
The Law of Attraction can assist you in achieving your objectives, including more money and a brighter financial future.
  • Keep your sights set on the prize.
  • You can use the Laws of Attraction to your advantage.
  • Maintain a positive attitude.

Yes Or No Tarot Reading Of The Chariot Card

There is always a strong burst of energy when the Chariot tarot is drawn. If you want a yes or no answer from the Chariot tarot card, one condition must be met. Yes, but you must act quickly and decisively in order to progress.
Going back and forth or straddling the fence is a recipe for disaster. If you want this partnership, investment, or endeavor to succeed, you must put everything you have into it. Your inner Charioteer is waiting for you.

Love And Relationships Reading The Chariot Tarot Card

Although the Lovers or Cups tarot cards are associated with Chariot, they aren't particularly useful for love readings because they may reflect control issues or the desire to conform in relationships.
This symbol also depicts silly disagreements, competition, and jealousy between lovers. If this is happening in your relationships right now, you must take action.
If you can find a way to discuss and work through your issues, you should do so. You must never accept being walked over, sidelined, or mistreated while bending the will of another.
In the absence of a significant other, you may see the Chariot tarot as a symbol of self-love and self-care.
Because of anxieties or limiting beliefs, are you unable to connect with the love you deserve?
You'll be able to chart a path that satisfies all of your desires, including romantic ones. But first, you must identify and comprehend these roadblocks to your progress.
  • Take a stand in your interpersonal relationships.
  • Your problems can be solved if you talk about them with each other.
  • Look after yourself.
  • Determine what is preventing you from falling in love.

The Chariot Card And Astrology

The Moon, which rules the zodiac Cancer, is associated with the Chariot tarot card. The reasoning behind this is that the Chariot has come to a halt and is now moving in the lateral direction, much like the crab (Cancer's symbol).
The element of Water is associated with the Moon and the zodiac sign Cancer.
The Chariot tarot is also associated with the Sagittarius zodiac sign because it represents spiritual evolution from animal instincts to higher wisdom. The Sagittarius represents the charioteer in this card, while the Sphinx draws the Chariot.

Numerology And The Chariot Tarot Card

The Chariot tarot card is associated with the number 7. The number seven piques our interest. It gives you a sense of purpose and motivates you to work toward a goal.
The number seven is also associated with stagnation and contemplation. To proceed, the Chariot inquires, "What needs to change?" There is uncertainty about which path should be taken to reach the destination.
As a result, spend some time connecting with your inner consciousness by delving into your subconscious mind before pursuing your goals.
Seven has been associated with positive spiritual experiences as a lucky number in numerology and in some religions.

Drawing Chariot Card In Tarot Reading

The interpretation of the Chariot tarot card is finished! Do you know what the Chariot card means if you've drawn it in your spread?
Consider this card to be a symbol of overcoming obstacles and achieving your goal. You'll need to use your resolve, attention, and willpower to re-energize a monotonous scenario and overcome any obstacles in your path. You've got this!

Who Is Represented by the Chariot Tarot Card?

In a tarot reading, the Chariot represents overcoming obstacles through grit, focus, determination, and willpower. If this card appears in your tarot spread, you will be motivated, ambitious, and in command. Now is the time to go after what you want with everything you've got.

What Does the Chariot Card In Love Mean?

When you know where you're going, the Chariot tarot love symbolism encourages you to take action. If you take charge of your love life, it will benefit you greatly. Those with confidence, guts, and tenacity are more likely to succeed. The Chariot's message is to reclaim control of our own lives.

What Does A Chariot Represent?

Chariot Tarot Meaning – The Chariot is the Major Arcana tarot card number seven. At its most basic, this card is all about getting what you want. It suggests conflict, a fight, and a final, hard-won victory over opponents, barriers, nature, and the uncertainties that lurk within you as a human. But there's much more to it than that.

Which Planet Is The Chariot From?

The Moon is associated with the Chariot Tarot card. The Chariot, which is ruled by the number seven (represented by Uranus) in its manifestations as Leo and Aquarius, is a card of the pure union of opposites. Like the union of male and female, the Sun and the Moon, and our father and mother.

People Also Ask

What Does The Chariot Card Mean In Tarot Cards?

The Chariot tarot card is all about overcoming challenges and gaining victory through maintaining control of your surroundings. This perfect control and confidence allows the charioteer to emerge victorious in any situation.

Is The Chariot A Positive Card?

The Chariot tarot card isn't really a positive card for a love reading, even when paired with the Lovers or cups cards since it can represent control issues or being pressured into conforming in relationships

What Is The Energy Of The Chariot Card?

The Chariot represents the forward-moving energy that can arise from your sacred focus if you actively choose it. Knowing precisely where you want to go, and throwing your weight behind that goal.


That concludes our discussion on the Chariot Tarot card meaning.
If you have pulled the Chariot tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life? This card is a symbol of overcoming obstacles and achieving your goal, just consider this card as a sign of encouragement.
Use your determination, focus, and willpower to get a stagnant situation moving again and overcome all the challenges that may be in your path. You can do it!
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James Pierce

James Pierce

Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna

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