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Self-Reiki Techniques - Discovering Inner Healing

Experience the profound benefits of self-reiki techniques for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Start your journey to self-discovery and empowerment today.

Author:Katharine Tate
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Feb 23, 20242K Shares26.7K Views
In an ever-demanding and distracting environment, finding times of inner healing and tranquility can seem like an impossible task. But there is a potent healing force within everyone of us that is just waiting to be awakened. Greetings from the realm of Self-reiki techniques, an introspective and introspectively healing trip.
This article will examine the life-changing practice of self-reiki techniques and how it enables people to develop inner calm, access their intrinsic healing potential, and go on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Come along with us as we explore the mysteries of Self-Reiki methods and set out on a journey to achieve unprecedented inner healing.
A woman in a white dress with her eyes closed
A woman in a white dress with her eyes closed

The Importance Of Self Healing

Reiki self-treatments are part of Takata Sensei's daily teachings, which emphasize that trainees should begin their healing journey with themselves. You have to heal yourself before you can aid in the healing of others. Use that five minutes a day, or as few as five, to lay your hands on yourself and let the Reiki energy flow through you.
This will not only assist you in learning the techniques required to become a Reiki practitioner, but it will also maintain your energy flow and enhance your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Use all 16 hand positions to do a complete Reiki self-treatment whenever you can. Give each hand a three-to five-minute hold. Reiki requires discipline because it requires the self-control to practice self-healing for as long as it takes to assist others heal.
Consider Reiki self-healing sessions to be no different from taking a shower or brushing your teeth in terms of personal hygiene. No matter how busy you are, you can include Reiki into your daily life when you combine it with regular meditation.

When You Can Give Yourself Reiki

It is not necessarily required to sit down for a formal Reiki session in order to benefit oneself; Reiki may be applied in any scenario, anywhere.
  • Apply Reiki as you watch television.
  • While at work or while riding the bus, you might wish to give yourself a Reiki session.
  • Before you eat or drink, spend a minute or two giving Reiki to your food and drinks.
  • While reading or operating a vehicle, perform Reiki with one hand.
When you're still in bed in the morning and again in the evening just before going to sleep are good moments for self-care. You can treat as many or as few body parts as you choose at any given time; you are not required to give yourself a full body treatment.

Hand Position For Self-Treatment

The Front Of The Body

  • Cover eyes and cheeks, Third Eye Chakra
  • Cover temples and jawbones
  • The back of their head rests in your hands, Third Eye & Crown Chakra
  • Hold your hands above the throat area, Throat Chakra
  • Upper chest, Heart Chakra
  • Lower chest, solar Plexus Chakra
  • Abdomen, Sacral Chakra
  • Lower abdomen, pubic bone, Root Chakra
  • The crown, Crown Chakra
  • Neck and upper shoulders, Throat Chakra
  • Shoulder blades, Heart Chakra
  • Lower lungs & kidneys, Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Lower back, sacrum, Sacral Chakra
  • Coccyx, Root Chakra
  • Knees
  • Top and bottom of the feet.
Keep your fingers together to concentrate your energies. Apply gentle pressure to your hands and remain in each position for a duration of one to five minutes, or as long as it is comfortable for you. To allow the energy to flow freely, keep your arms and legs extended.
There is no specific conscious effort required during the course of the treatment. You can simply keep repeating this desire during the therapy, since you have already intended that the procedure is for your own highest good. If your thoughts stray, simply gently draw them back to the bodily sensations you are experiencing right now.
To make sure you are rooted and back on track, finish each complete body self-treatment on your feet. Once more, you can seal the energy by brushing your aura from head to feet. Give your feet a massage, stretch, and inhale deeply a few times. Before operating a car or operating machinery, wait at least ten minutes.
I would advise attempting to practice Reiki on yourself each day, but there are no right or wrong answers here. If you lack the time for a comprehensive treatment, consider how you might include self-care into your daily routine. It is not required to perform every hand position or stay in any one posture for three minutes.
I would recommend practicing Chakra Balancing (see below) for five to ten minutes in the morning after waking up and/or before going to bed as a simple and efficient approach. Once you get the hang of it, this is actually fairly simple to accomplish.
A woman in a white dress with her hands crossed around her chest
A woman in a white dress with her hands crossed around her chest

Reiki Self-Treatment Is Meditation

Reiki energy flows without the need for prayer, focus, or meditation. It's critical to avoid attempting to manipulate the energy. Reiki energy cannot be applied to cells in excess. "There is no such thing as a Reiki overdose" was one of Takata's tenets.
Reiki self-treatment on a regular basis can become a highly fulfilling and enjoyable kind of meditation. During these sessions, there's no need to plan ahead; just go with the sensations and feelings, and let your mind settle. Turn your mind into an observer and just let your regular ideas pass by without giving them any analysis.

Minimum Daily Reiki Self-Healing Practice

Although there are no right or incorrect answers here, I would advise doing daily self-reiki sessions. Find ways to incorporate a self-treatment into your life if you lack the time to complete a full treatment. It's not necessary to perform every hand position or hold each one for three minutes.
I would recommend doing five to ten minutes of Chakra Balancing (see below) either in the morning right after waking up or at night right before going to sleep as a simple and efficient starting point. Getting the hang of it makes achieving this truly rather simple.
Reiki self-treatment on a regular basis is a great method to support yourself on your life's journey and spiritual path, helping you to establish and preserve a positive relationship with yourself in the process.
  • By acknowledging the body for what it is: an intelligent and energetic network.
  • By focusing on the subtle bodily sensations, one can calm the surface-level mental agitations.
  • By bringing about the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing of your entire being (healing equals becoming whole).
  • By actively experiencing the bond with your Source (Rei).
  • By encouraging self-acceptance-based honesty and intuition in oneself.

Self-Reiki Protocol

As we previously stated, Reiki energy flows naturally without the need for prayer, focus, or meditation. This does not, however, imply that we cannot channel Reiki while also engaging in rituals and prayers. Actually, in my opinion, the entire procedure has been greatly improved.
  • Establish your area, settle in, take off jewelry, watches, and glassware, ground yourself, connect to Reiki, make a prayer, and decide that this treatment is for your own highest good.
  • Set aside some time to mentally and energetically prepare yourself. You may want to practice mild meditation for a few minutes. As an alternative, you can perform a straightforward grounding practice by visualizing your feet firmly planted on the earth and sensing your connection to the planet (remember, energy follows thought, so it doesn't matter if you reside on the fifth floor of an apartment building).
  • Visualize a beam of light emanating from your heart chakra, traveling through your spine, leaving your body, and entering the earth's interior, all the way to Mother Earth's core. Feel or visualize the grounding energy rising up into your body and up into your heart chakra. Feel the energy anchoring down in the Earth's center.
  • Visualize or imagine a beam of light emanating from your heart chakra, traveling up your spine, through your crown chakra, up through the roof, through the remainder of the building, and across the Earth's atmosphere and sky, ultimately reaching the universe.
  • Make a conscious effort to feel, visualize, or connect with the Reiki's highest source. Then, let go of any attachment and let the Reiki energy return through your light beam, enter your heart chakra, and combine with the grounding energy.
  • You could want to ask for help from high level Reiki guides like Hawayo Takata, Dr. Usui, and Dr. Hayashi, or you could say a prayer. After receiving Reiki, you will feel anchored, safe, and connected, allowing you to start the self-treatment.

How To Practice Reiki Self-Healing On A Consistent Basis

Support the body in a sturdy, sustainable posture - I begin my daily self-practice by finding a comfortable posture that will support my body and mind in relaxation. I typically practice by sitting cross-legged on a meditation cushion or by lying down. If you’re sitting cross-legged, ensure your hips are above your knees for optimal comfort.
If you’re lying down, support your knees and neck with bolsters. You may also sit on a chair, with your feet grounded, flat on the ground. Experiment until you find a posture that’s engaging yet restful.

Honor Your Intentions

Now is a great time to salute your choice to show up and practice. You've already carved out time, remembered your practice, and gathered the courage to practice. Though sitting with your racing mind, uncomfortable physical sensations, and loud emotions can be intimidating, Know that every day you show up with compassion is a day to celebrate.


I draw my attention inward to my breath, and I also notice the areas of my body that feel tense or achy. I send my awareness and breath to release. I consciously drop my shoulders away from my ears to open my heart’s center. I relax my facial muscles, and unclench my teeth. I continue scanning my body with awareness and breathe until I feel embodied.


Direct the breath into the lower belly. Breathing into this area of the body anchors the mind and tones the vagus nerve, which Reiki master Nicholas Pearson, author of Foundations of Reiki Ryoho, says, “helps cultivate our reserves of vitality while simultaneously grounding and centering us into the present moment.”

Reiki Precepts

Mikao Usui introduced the five reiki precepts, or principles, when he shared the healing practice with his students in 1922 to offer a framework for approaching real life. During my ritual, I enjoy reciting the precepts several times in Japanese and in English as a way to practice mental and emotional hygiene. My spiritual evolution, health journey, relationships, and pursuits as an entrepreneur are often guided by these precepts
  • Kyo dake wa - Today only
  • Ikaru na - Do not anger
  • Shinpai suna - Do not worry
  • Kansha shite - Be grateful
  • Gyo o hageme - Practice diligently

Call Upon Your Guides

While this step is optional, I welcome the guidance of spirit. With my hands in prayer position, I typically repeat a simple invocation similar to, “I welcome the presence of my Reiki masters, teachers, healers, and guides. I welcome your energetic blessings and messages for the highest good of all. Thank you for gracing us with your love and light.”

Use Hands-on Healing

Although one must receive attunements by a Reiki master teacher in order to channel reiki, anyone can channel love and light with the power of their intentions, awareness, breath, and spiritual guides. “We all possess reiki and use it daily without knowing," says Jalpa Dhaduk Reiki master.

Give Thanks

I take a moment here in my practice to give thanks to my guides, the reiki energy, and myself for co-creating in the process of reiki self-healing. I thank the journey that brought me to reiki. I trust that life force has been balanced for my mind, body, and soul’s highest alignment and gently release the practice.

FAQs About Self-Reiki Techniques

What Is Self-Reiki?

Self-Reiki is a practice where individuals use Reiki techniques on themselves to promote healing, relaxation, and overall well-being. It involves channeling universal life force energy to oneself through the hands, following specific techniques and protocols.

Do I Need Any Special Training To Practice Self-Reiki?

While formal Reiki training from a certified Reiki master is beneficial, you can learn basic Self-Reiki techniques through books, online resources, or workshops. It's important to understand the principles and hand positions to practice Self-Reiki effectively and safely.

How Often Should I Practice Self-Reiki?

The frequency of Self-Reiki practice varies from person to person. Some individuals may benefit from daily sessions, while others may find weekly or monthly sessions sufficient. It's essential to listen to your body and intuition and practice Self-Reiki as often as feels right for you.

Can Anyone Practice Self-Reiki, Or Do I Need Special Abilities?

Self-Reiki is accessible to anyone, regardless of background or prior experience. It doesn't require any special abilities or talents, only an open mind and willingness to connect with the universal life force energy.

What Are The Benefits Of Practicing Self-Reiki?

The benefits of Self-Reiki are numerous and can vary from person to person. Some common benefits include stress reduction, pain relief, emotional healing, increased energy levels, and a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.

Can Self-Reiki Be Combined With Other Healing Modalities?

Yes, Self-Reiki can be combined with other healing modalities such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy to enhance overall well-being. Integrating different practices can create a holistic approach to health and healing.


Self-reiki techniques offer a simple yet powerful way to promote healing, relaxation, and overall well-being. By tapping into the universal life force energy and directing it towards ourselves, we can support our physical, emotional, and spiritual health on a deep level. Whether you're new to Reiki or an experienced practitioner, incorporating Self-Reiki into your daily life can bring profound benefits and transformation. So why not give it a try and experience the healing power of Reiki for yourself?
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Katharine Tate

Katharine Tate

Karan Emery

Karan Emery

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