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Reiki Symbols And Their Meanings - Unveiling The Mysteries

Discover Reiki symbols and their meanings, explore the origins and significance of symbols like Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Dai Ko Myo, and Raku. Learn how these symbols are utilized in Reiki healing to channel energy, remove blockages, and promote spiritual growth.

Author:Karan Emery
Reviewer:James Pierce
Feb 23, 2024702 Shares21.9K Views
Reiki, a Japanese healing technique that promotes relaxation and stress reduction, is often accompanied by the use of symbols. These symbols, imbued with specific meanings and energies, play a crucial role in Reiki practice. Let's delve into the world of Reiki symbols and their meanings, exploring their origins, meanings, and applications.
Reiki symbols are sacred and powerful tools used by Reiki practitioners to channel energy during healing sessions. They act as focal points for intention and aid in directing the flow of Reiki energy.

Origins Of Reiki Symbols

With roots in ancient Buddhist and Taoist traditions, Reiki symbols have great meaning in the practice of Reiki healing. Mikao Usui, the creator of contemporary Reiki, is said to have rediscovered these symbols, also known as "shirushi" in Japanese, during a period of tremendous spiritual awakening on Mount Kurama in Japan in the early 20th century.
Usui used the symbols in his teachings to increase the efficacy of Reiki healing after receiving them as holy gifts from the almighty.
The lineage of Reiki masters has changed the symbols over time, with each master contributing their own interpretations and perspectives. The symbols' fundamental characteristics as channels for healing energy are retained, even in spite of variances among various Reiki lineages and schools. These symbols are energetically transferred from master to pupil during Reiki attunement ceremonies, imprinting them in the practitioner's mind and enabling them to access Reiki's healing power.
Three reiki symbols
Three reiki symbols

Key Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are still very important in Reiki healing sessions, meditation techniques, and spiritual ceremonies today. They are highly recognized for their effectiveness and transformational power, acting as ageless representations of healing energy, compassion, and love. Reiki symbols can be used for emotional balancing, physical healing, or spiritual awakening. They are powerful tools that help practitioners channel the healing energy of Reiki and promote overall well-being.

Cho Ku Rei Symbol

One of the main symbols utilized in Reiki healing techniques is the Cho Ku Rei symbol, often known as the power symbol. Translations of its name include "place the power of the universe here" and "God and man becoming one." The sign, which is shaped like a coil or spiral, stands for the focused and concentrated flow of energy.
The Cho Ku Rei symbol strengthens and increases the efficacy of Reiki energy when it is summoned. It serves as a center for focusing healing energy on troublesome parts of the body, mind, or spirit. The sign is a useful tool in Reiki practice since it can also be used to purify and cleanse areas, items, and energy fields.
During Reiki sessions, practitioners frequently sketch or envision the Cho Ku Rei symbol, either onto the patient's body or into the surrounding energy field. Through the channeling of the symbol's power, practitioners can enhance the healing process, encourage relaxation, and bring the recipient's energy system back into balance.

Sei He Ki Symbol

A key element of Reiki healing is the Sei He Ki symbol, sometimes referred to as the emotional healing symbol. Its name, which means "God and man become one," highlights the peaceful coexistence of the spiritual and material dimensions of healing. The Sei He Ki symbol has multiple visual variations, but it generally resembles a stylized letter "Z" or a mirrored "S."
It symbolizes the movement of energy between the conscious and subconscious minds, which promotes inner harmony, mental clarity, and emotional healing. The Sei He Ki sign aids in the subconscious mind's removal of negative thought patterns and emotional blocks when it is evoked. It helps people experience more serenity, resilience, and emotional well-being by facilitating the healing of prior traumas, sorrow, anxiety, and other emotional wounds.
During healing sessions, practitioners frequently combine the Sei He Ki sign with other Reiki symbols to address certain emotional or psychological difficulties. Through the channeling of symbol energy, practitioners can establish a secure and encouraging environment for clients to work through and let go of unresolved emotions, promoting profound healing and personal development.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol

In Reiki practice, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol, sometimes called the Distance Healing symbol, is essential because it allows practitioners to communicate healing energy beyond distances of time and space.
The translation of its name is "The divine within me greets the divine within you," highlighting the unity and interdependence of all living things. The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol is made up of multiple Japanese kanji characters that are arranged in a certain way.
Regardless of physical closeness, it symbolizes the goal of bridging the gap between the giver and the recipient to enable distant healing sessions. The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol enables practitioners to make energetic connections with people, circumstances, or events that are situated in various places or eras when it is active. Because of this feature, it's very helpful for transmitting healing energy across time and space to oneself, loved ones, past experiences, and future objectives.
During remote healing sessions, practitioners usually combine the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol with other Reiki symbols. Practitioners can establish a potent energetic connection with the recipient by concentrating their intention and harnessing the symbol's energy, which promotes healing on several levels.

Dai Ko Myo Symbol

In Reiki practice, one of the most sacred and potent symbols is the Dai Ko Myo symbol, also known as the Master Symbol. The translation of its name, "Great Enlightenment" or "Great Shining Light," expresses how profoundly important it is for promoting enlightenment, spiritual development, and profound healing.
The Dai Ko Myo symbol is made up of a number of complex Japanese kanji characters that are arranged in a certain way. Its form is a channel for divine healing energy, embodying the essence of global love, compassion, and knowledge.
The main purpose of the Dai Ko Myo sign is to greatly enhance the healing potential of Reiki and promote profound spiritual development. Reiki masters and advanced practitioners frequently utilize it to strengthen their healing powers and to connect more deeply to the heavenly source of healing energy.
The Dai Ko Myo symbol facilitates spiritual and personal development by assisting people in letting go of harmful patterns, traumas, and obstructions that impede their well-being. Additionally, it is utilized to foster inner calm, emotional equilibrium, and mental clarity, all of which contribute to a stronger sense of harmony and wholeness.
By drawing the Dai Ko Myo symbol on themselves, their clients, or the treatment area, practitioners can use it in their therapeutic sessions. Through the energy of the symbol and the goal of healing, practitioners can open doors to higher states of consciousness and bring about significant changes in both themselves and others.

Raku Symbol

The advanced Reiki symbol Raku sometimes referred to as the Fire Serpent symbol, has profound meaning in the field of energy healing. Because of its transforming qualities, it is frequently used in different versions of Reiki and other energy healing treatments even though it is not typically included in Usui Reiki.
The visual representation of the Raku symbol is typically a stylized snake or serpent, often in the shape of a circle or spiral. Its pattern represents the chakra system's role in bringing the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini energy, which is thought to be located at the base of the spine, to life.
The Raku sign in Reiki practice refers to the process of spiritual awakening and energetic purification. It is frequently used to let go of bad energy, obstructions, and stuck emotions that could be impeding well-being and personal development. Through the channeling of the Raku symbol's energy, practitioners hope to facilitate the release of old habits and constraints and kindle the inner fire of transformation.
In order to awaken and activate the Kundalini energy within, practitioners of the Raku symbol frequently envision or draw the symbol over themselves or their clients. It is said that going through this procedure will accelerate one's spiritual development, increase consciousness, and strengthen one's bond with intuition and inner wisdom.
Four black stones with reiki symbol on them
Four black stones with reiki symbol on them

Interpretation And Meaning

  • Meaning of the Cho Ku Rei Symbol- This symbol, which has the appearance of a coil, is said to mean "placing all the powers of the universe here." It is a flexible instrument in Reiki practice, signifying the activation of power and protection.
  • Meaning of the Sei He Ki Symbol- Sei He Ki means "God and man become one," and it has the appearance of a flowing wave. It stands for the fusion of human and divine energy, promoting peace and emotional healing.
  • Meaning of the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol- The convoluted characters in the symbol stand for "no past, no present, no future." It embraces the ideas of interconnection and timelessness, enabling practitioners to transmit healing energy across distances and overcome physical constraints.
  • Meaning of the Dai Ko Myo Symbol- The Dai Ko Myo symbol is composed of three vertical lines that cross one other horizontally. It is said to represent "great enlightenment" or "bright shining light." It promotes spiritual healing and awakening by symbolizing the pinnacle of spiritual truth and enlightenment.
  • Meaning of the Raku symbol- The Raku symbol is "completion" or "grounding." It has a coil-like appearance. A Reiki session represents the sealing of energy and the return to a grounded condition, guaranteeing that the client stays integrated and balanced.

Application Of Reiki Symbols

  • How Reiki Symbols Are Used- During a Reiki session, intention and imagery are used to activate Reiki symbols. To channel energy and promote healing, practitioners sketch or envision the symbols on the client's body or in the air.
  • Using Reiki Symbols in Practice- Reiki symbols can be used in treatments, meditations, and distance healing sessions, among other areas of Reiki practice. They strengthen the practitioner's bond with the universal life force energy and increase the efficacy of Reiki practice.

The Significance Of Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are holy implements with specific energies and purposes that are utilized in Reiki treatment. By acting as keys to unlock the Reiki energy flow, these symbols improve healing sessions and strengthen the bond between the healer and the global life force.
  • Improving Healing Energy- The central tenet of Reiki is the conviction that all living things possess a universal life force energy. Reiki symbols enhance the potency and efficacy of this healing energy by functioning as amplifiers. These symbols are used in healing sessions to focus and direct the flow of Reiki energy to certain body, mind, or spirit locations, resulting in deep healing on many levels.
  • Increasing Focus and Intention- Every Reiki sign has a distinct frequency and intention that stand for many facets of spiritual development and healing. Reiki practitioners can improve their capacity to precisely and clearly channel Reiki energy by using these symbols in their practice. Drawing or seeing the symbols acts as a potent focal point that helps practitioners concentrate their intention and direct their energy more precisely.
  • Strengthening Spiritual Link - Reiki symbols have profound spiritual meaning for practitioners in addition to their usefulness. For many, they are holy symbols charged with heavenly energy and age-old wisdom. Utilizing Reiki symbols can strengthen a person's spiritual ties and promote humility, thankfulness, and reverence. Through their interaction with these symbols, practitioners may feel a deep sense of alignment with the universal life energy, which promotes spiritual awareness and personal development.
  • Encouraging Remote Healing - One of the most amazing things about Reiki symbols is their capacity to go beyond geographical limitations and encourage remote healing. Reiki practitioners are able to convey healing energy through time and space using certain symbols, helping those in need wherever they may be. This fundamental part of Reiki practice emphasizes the boundless potential of healing energy and the interconnectedness of all beings.
  • Respecting Tradition and Lineage- The rich history and heritage of Reiki healing are also honored by Reiki symbols. These symbols, which are passed down through attunement and initiation from master to student, contain the blessings and knowledge of many generations of Reiki practitioners. Through the use of these symbols, practitioners pay gratitude to the legacy of Reiki masters who have helped to shape and spread this potent healing practice.

FAQs About Reiki Symbols And Their Meanings

Can Anyone Use Reiki Symbols?

Yes, anyone who has been attuned to Reiki can use Reiki symbols during healing sessions.

Do Reiki Symbols Have To Be Drawn Physically?

No, Reiki symbols can be activated through visualization and intention, and they don't necessarily need to be drawn physically.

How Many Reiki Symbols Are There?

There are traditionally four main Reiki symbols, but some Reiki lineages may incorporate additional symbols or variations.

Can Reiki Symbols Be Used For Self-healing?

Absolutely. Reiki symbols can be used for self-healing by visualizing or drawing them and channeling Reiki energy to oneself.

Are Reiki Symbols Religious?

While Reiki has spiritual aspects, it is not tied to any specific religion. Reiki symbols are considered sacred, but they can be used by people of all faiths and beliefs.


Reiki symbols and their meanings are sacred, and they play a central role in Reiki practice. From the Cho Ku Rei symbol for power and protection to the Dai Ko Myo symbol for enlightenment and spiritual transformation, each symbol holds profound meaning and significance. Understanding and working with Reiki symbols can deepen one's practice and enhance the effectiveness of Reiki treatments.
As practitioners continue to explore the world of Reiki symbols, may they harness the transformative power of these ancient symbols to bring healing and balance to themselves and others.
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Karan Emery

Karan Emery

James Pierce

James Pierce

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