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Reiki Certification Levels - A Guide To Mastery

Explore the Reiki certification levels, from beginner to advanced, and understand the progression and requirements for each stage. Gain insights into the training and responsibilities associated with Reiki certification, empowering yourself for your Reiki journey.

Author:Katharine Tate
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Feb 21, 20245.5K Shares95.2K Views
Obtaining a Reiki certification is a life-changing experience that gives people the chance to learn more about the age-old healing practice of Reiki. Under the direction of a systematic framework of certification levels, aspiring practitioners go on a journey of profound energy work and spiritual study. From novice to master instructor, these Reiki certification levelsact as stepping stones to deeper knowledge, proficiency, and service in the field of Reiki healing.
Together, we will investigate the many Reiki certification levels and discover the secrets and treasures they contain.
Two women sitting while a man and a woman stand with their hands on their shoulder
Two women sitting while a man and a woman stand with their hands on their shoulder

The Three Levels Of Reiki

Even while some elements are the identical for all levels, each reiki master will teach each level slightly differently. The core components of each level of reiki training are "attunement" (a ritual of empowerment), education, and practice. Training typically comprises of three (or occasionally four) levels.
Reiki is unique among healing touch and energy treatment treatments because of its attunement. At every level, the reiki master conducts this practice, called Reiju (Ray-joo) in Japanese, to open and broaden the body's primary energy channels in the student, allowing deeper and more unrestricted flow of universal energy, also called Qi/Chi/Ki. It frequently aids in the body's discharge of obstructions and has the power to significantly alter a person's vitality. After their attunements, many will go through a phase of tremendous self-improvement. An energy transfer could be used to describe the attunement process, in which the student receives energy from the master that they will carry with them for the remainder of their life.
There are alternate training choices that span weeks or months, even though you can acquire Level 1 and Level 2 instruction in a single weekend (for several hundred dollars, depending on your region). Typically more difficult to earn, a master's degree in reiki takes many months to complete.
A woman lying down with her eyes closed while another woman has her hands on her shoulders.
A woman lying down with her eyes closed while another woman has her hands on her shoulders.

Reiki Level 1 (Shoden)

Anyone can enroll in Level 1, which is the initiation training for reiki practitioners. During Level 1, the practitioner connects to the universal life force energy that flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head, down to the hands and heart, by physically opening the energy channels. As the primary objective of the Level 1 designation, self-reiki is emphasized by many reiki masters, who advise students to concentrate on practicing reiki on themselves in order to overcome their personal challenges. A summary of reiki's past is usually included in the Level 1 training.
Four different attunements were originally delivered for the reiki Level 1 attunement. This is still the way that some reiki teachers teach. Nonetheless, a lot of reiki masters can attune a person to Level 1 in just one session. Many people report experiencing tingling, cooling, or heat in their palms following their first attunement. It's normal to experience melancholy, tiredness, and anxiety following the Level 1 attunement.
Some reiki masters advise waiting anywhere from 21 days to three months between earning Level 1 and Level 2 attunements due to the intensity of the attunement procedure (Level 1 is required to receive Level 2).

Reiki Level 2 (Okuden)

Students who complete Level 2 will be able to access energy channels more fully and practice reiki on others. During this stage, students also get their emblems. In Reiki, there are five symbols that represent different energies: power, harmony, distance, mastery, and completeness. It is anticipated of the students to employ these symbols in more useful ways to incorporate the universal energy of reiki into their daily lives. Additionally, the symbols can be used to convey healing energy to any location in the world that may require it or to perform reiki over great distances.
This level of attunement is usually administered in a single session, with the goal of opening the heart chakra, which sits in the middle of the spiritual and physical chakras. During this attunement, students have their eyes closed to allow them to gaze within and truly experience the process's effect on the heart.
To ensure that the principles you have learned truly sink in, it is advised to wait at least six months to a year between your Level 2 and master training.

Reiki Level 3 (Shinpiden)

The titles "Reiki Master" and "Third Degree" are interchangeable in many courses. Some teachers do, however, distinguish between Reiki Master and Level 3. Since masters can attune new practitioners, the Reiki Master Level is typically regarded as the teacher's level. The contrast between Reiki Master and Third Degree is because, although many receive the master attunement and symbol, they are not comfortable or skilled at attuning others.
A strong dedication to the reiki practice is another requirement for becoming a master, and some people believe that a considerable amount of time should elapse between earning a second degree and reaching the master level. There are many different ways to teach the Master Level, so think carefully about whatever path seems best for you before choosing a master.
The stages of reiki mastery are generally arranged according to the reiki levels. There are many different ways that reiki courses are taught and set up, so it's crucial to do your homework and choose the structure and teacher that best suit your needs.

FAQs About Reiki Certification Levels

What Are Reiki Certification Levels?

Reiki certification levels represent the various stages of training and proficiency in Reiki, an energy healing practice. Each level builds upon the previous one, deepening practitioners' understanding and connection to Reiki energy.

How Many Levels Are There In Reiki Certification?

Reiki certification typically consists of three main levels: Level 1 (also known as First Degree or Shoden), Level 2 (Second Degree or Okuden), and Level 3 (Master/Teacher or Shinpiden).

What Is The Purpose Of Obtaining Reiki Certification?

The primary purpose of obtaining Reiki certification is to learn the principles and techniques of Reiki healing, develop a strong connection to Reiki energy, and become proficient in administering Reiki treatments to oneself and others.

What Are The Prerequisites For Advancing To Higher Reiki Certification Levels?

Prerequisites for advancing to higher Reiki certification levels vary depending on the Reiki lineage and teacher. However, it is common for practitioners to complete a certain period of practice and study before being eligible for higher levels.

Can Anyone Become Certified In Reiki, Regardless Of Their Background Or Experience?

Yes, Reiki certification is open to individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their background or experience. The only requirement is a genuine interest in learning and practicing Reiki.


Reiki certification levels offer a methodical approach for people to enhance their comprehension of Reiki and develop their abilities as practitioners. Regardless of the reason for starting the journey, personal development, helping others or becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher, each level provides insightful knowledge, practical methods, and life experiences that advance the practitioner's overall growth.
Certified Reiki practitioners can use the transformational potential of Reiki energy to promote healing, balance, and well-being in themselves and others by upholding the principles of Reiki and dedicating themselves to ongoing learning and practice.
Accepting the path of Reiki certification is a profound spiritual journey of self-discovery, connection, and transformation; it is not only about learning new information and abilities.
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Katharine Tate

Katharine Tate

Karan Emery

Karan Emery

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