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Forms Of Dyslexia - A Holistic Look At Dyslexia Spectrum

Explore the diverse forms of dyslexia, from phonological challenges to visual and executive functions. Understand strengths and navigate the spectrum.

Author:James Pierce
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Dec 12, 2023114 Shares57.1K Views
Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, and spell. It is a spectrum disorder that includes many forms of dyslexia, and individuals with dyslexia may experience different challenges and strengths.
According to the International Dyslexia Association, dyslexia is a language-based learning problem that affects between 15 and 20 percent of the population. It involves a wide range of symptoms. Although there is no cure for dyslexia, it may be managed, and the kind of care a person receives will vary on the type of dyslexia they have.
To improve the efficacy of treatment, specialists have developed categories that combine a number of prevalent forms of dyslexia. Educators can tailor techniques to the unique needs of each kid by understanding the many varieties of dyslexia, so enabling them to provide optimal support.
As there is no single "form" of dyslexia, the term is often used to describe the various manifestations and characteristics associated with this learning difference. Here's an in-depth exploration of different aspects and forms of dyslexia:

Understanding Phonological Dyslexia

Phonological dyslexia is a form of dyslexia characterized by difficulties in recognizing and manipulating the sounds of spoken language, particularly in relation to written words.
This type of dyslexia involves challenges in phonemic awareness, which is the ability to identify and work with individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. Let's delve into the key aspects of phonological dyslexia:
Individuals with phonological dyslexia may struggle with breaking words into individual sounds, blending sounds to form words, or manipulating sounds within words. This deficit in phonemic awareness can significantly impact reading and spelling skills.
The core challenge in phonological dyslexia lies in connecting sounds to symbols (letters). Difficulties may arise in accurately associating the sounds of spoken words with the corresponding letters or groups of letters, making the decoding process during reading challenging.
Reading fluency relies on the ability to quickly and accurately decode words. Phonological dyslexia can impede this process, leading to a slower and more effortful reading experience. Individuals may struggle with recognizing common words and encounter difficulties in reading unfamiliar words.
Spelling becomes a significant challenge for individuals with phonological dyslexia. The difficulty in mapping sounds to letters makes it challenging to spell words correctly, and individuals may exhibit inconsistencies in spelling, especially with irregularly spelled words.
Effective interventions for phonological dyslexia often involve structured phonics instruction, focusing on explicit teaching of sound-symbol relationships. Multisensory approaches that engage auditory, visual, and kinesthetic modalities can be beneficial in reinforcing these connections.

Surface Dyslexia

Surface dyslexia is another distinct form of dyslexia that primarily impacts the visual aspect of reading. Unlike phonological dyslexia, which involves challenges in connecting sounds to symbols, surface dyslexia centers on difficulties in recognizing whole words by sight.
Surface dyslexia manifests as difficulties in visually recognizing and recalling whole words. Individuals with this form of dyslexia may struggle to automatically recognize commonly used words, especially those with irregular spelling patterns.
Recognizing words by sight is crucial for efficient reading. Individuals with surface dyslexia may experience word retrieval difficulties, leading to slower reading speeds and potential comprehension challenges, particularly with words that don't conform to typical phonetic rules.
While individuals with surface dyslexia may have particular difficulties with irregularly spelled words, they can also face challenges with regularly spelled words. The reliance on visual memorization may result in hesitations or errors when encountering words outside their memorized repertoire.
Surface dyslexia often involves issues with visual memory and recall. Individuals may find it challenging to retain and retrieve the visual representations of words, impacting both reading and spelling abilities.
The orthographic system, which encompasses the visual representation of words and their spelling conventions, is central to surface dyslexia. Challenges in orthographic processing can lead to difficulties in accurately recognizing and recalling words.
Interventions for surface dyslexia often focus on strengthening visual word recognition skills. Strategies may include explicit teaching of sight words, word retrieval exercises, and activities that enhance visual memory and recall.

Rapid Naming Deficit

Rapid naming deficit is a specific aspect of dyslexia that involves challenges in quickly naming letters, numbers, or other visual symbols. This form of dyslexia is characterized by difficulties in the rapid retrieval and naming of familiar symbols, impacting various aspects of reading and learning.
Individuals with rapid naming deficit may exhibit a slower naming speed when presented with symbols, such as letters or numbers. This difficulty is not related to visual recognition but rather to the speed at which the brain can retrieve and articulate the names of these symbols.
Reading fluency is significantly influenced by the ability to quickly and accurately name symbols. Rapid naming deficit can hinder the fluidity of reading, leading to challenges in maintaining a smooth and efficient reading pace.
While distinct from phonological dyslexia, rapid naming deficit shares connections with phonological awareness difficulties. Phonological awareness involves recognizing and manipulating the sounds of spoken language, and challenges in this area can co-occur with difficulties in rapidly naming symbols.
Rapid naming involves both visual and auditory components. Individuals must not only visually recognize symbols but also quickly retrieve and articulate their names. The integration of visual and auditory processing is crucial for efficient rapid naming.
Research suggests that rapid naming deficit is correlated with reading comprehension difficulties. The speed at which individuals can name symbols may influence their ability to process and understand written text, impacting overall reading comprehension skills.
Interventions for rapid naming deficit often include activities that target the speed of symbol retrieval. Multisensory approaches, such as using auditory cues or incorporating kinesthetic elements, can be beneficial in addressing rapid naming challenges.
Types Of Dyslexia infographic
Types Of Dyslexia infographic

Double-Deficit Dyslexia

Double-deficit dyslexia is a subtype of dyslexia characterized by difficulties in both phonological processing and rapid naming. Individuals with double-deficit dyslexia face challenges in both decoding words phonetically and quickly recognizing and naming symbols. This intersection of deficits adds layers of complexity to the dyslexic profile.
Double-deficit dyslexia involves the simultaneous presence of difficulties in phonological processing and rapid naming. This combination amplifies the challenges faced by individuals, impacting both the ability to decode words and the speed of naming symbols.
The double deficit in both phonological processing and rapid naming contributes to significant challenges in achieving reading fluency. Individuals with double-deficit dyslexia may struggle with both the accuracy and speed of word recognition, affecting their overall reading proficiency.
Research suggests that individuals with double-deficit dyslexia may face a higher risk of severe and persistent reading difficulties compared to those with deficits in only one of these areas. The overlapping challenges create a unique dyslexic profile that requires targeted interventions.
Recognizing the dual nature of deficits in double-deficit dyslexia emphasizes the importance of individualized instructional approaches. Tailoring interventions to address both phonological and rapid naming challenges is essential for supporting individuals with this complex dyslexic profile.
Identifying double-deficit dyslexia requires comprehensive assessments that evaluate both phonological processing and rapid naming abilities. Educational professionals and specialists use a combination of standardized tests, observations, and diagnostic tools to pinpoint the specific nature of the deficits.
Multisensory instructional strategies play a crucial role in addressing double-deficit dyslexia. Activities that simultaneously engage visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities can help strengthen both phonological processing and rapid naming skills.
Individuals with double-deficit dyslexia may require ongoing support and monitoring. Regular assessments can track progress and identify areas that may need continued attention. Adjustments to instructional approaches can be made based on the individual's response to interventions.

Visual Dyslexia And Its Effects

The term "visual dyslexia" refers to reading difficulties brought on by issues with eyesight. Even though the phrase is misleading, visual issues can undoubtedly contribute to difficulties with reading and learning.
Visual dyslexia is a specific form of dyslexia characterized by difficulties in accurately perceiving and processing visual information related to written language. Unlike other forms of dyslexia that focus on phonological or rapid naming deficits, visual dyslexia centers on challenges in visual perception, recognition, and interpretation.
Visual dyslexia often involves difficulties in recognizing and distinguishing individual words by sight. Individuals with this form of dyslexia may struggle with the visual processing of written language, impacting their ability to rapidly and accurately identify words.
Orthographic processing, which encompasses the visual representation of words and their spelling conventions, is a central aspect of visual dyslexia. Difficulties in orthographic processing can lead to challenges in recognizing and recalling the visual patterns of words.
Individuals with visual dyslexia may experience difficulties in retaining and recalling visual information related to words. This can manifest as challenges in remembering the shapes and forms of letters and words, affecting both reading and spelling abilities.
Visual dyslexia may involve distortions and reversals of letters or words. This can result in the misperception of letter sequences or word configurations, leading to errors in reading and spelling. Visual distortions, such as flipping or rotating letters, are common features of this form of dyslexia.
The visual challenges associated with visual dyslexia can have a cascading effect on reading comprehension. Difficulty in accurately recognizing and processing words can impede the overall understanding of written text, affecting academic performance across various subjects.
It's essential to note that visual dyslexia is distinct from eyesight problems. Individuals with visual dyslexia typically have normal eyesight but face challenges in the visual processing and interpretation of written language at a cognitive level.
Interventions for visual dyslexia often involve activities that strengthen visual processing skills. Visual exercises, visual discrimination tasks, and interventions aimed at improving visual memory can be beneficial. Multisensory approaches that engage auditory and kinesthetic modalities may complement visual interventions.

Letter Position Dyslexia

Letter position dyslexia is a specific form of dyslexia characterized by difficulties in perceiving and processing the correct order of letters within words. Individuals with this form of dyslexia may experience challenges in accurately identifying the sequence of letters, leading to errors in reading and spelling.
A hallmark feature of letter position dyslexia is the tendency to transpose or switch the positions of letters within words. This can result in reading and spelling errors where the order of letters is rearranged. For example, "form" may be read as "from."
Letter position dyslexia is closely related to orthographic processing, which involves recognizing and understanding the correct arrangement of letters in words. Difficulties in this area can impact word recognition, making it challenging for individuals to accurately identify and process written words.
The challenges in letter position dyslexia involve both visual and cognitive aspects. Individuals may struggle with visually perceiving the correct order of letters and interpreting the sequential information at a cognitive level.
The transposition of letters within words can lead to challenges in both reading and spelling. Individuals with letter position dyslexia may exhibit inconsistencies in their ability to accurately read and spell words, especially those with more complex letter sequences.
Letter position dyslexia can have semantic and phonological effects. The rearrangement of letters within words may alter the meaning of the word or result in a non-word. This can contribute to comprehension challenges and impact the phonological processing of words.
While visual dyslexia involves challenges in the overall visual processing of written language, letter position dyslexia specifically focuses on difficulties with the sequential arrangement of letters within words. These are distinct but can co-occur in some individuals.
Interventions for letter position dyslexia often include activities that target the accurate sequencing of letters. Visual exercises, activities that emphasize the correct order of letters, and word-based interventions can be effective. Multisensory approaches that engage auditory and kinesthetic modalities may enhance the learning experience.
Dyslexia graphic
Dyslexia graphic

Forms Of Dyslexia - FAQs

Yes, dysgraphia is often associated with dyslexia and involves difficulties with writing, including handwriting, spelling, and organizing thoughts on paper.

How Does Visual Dyslexia Impact The Processing Of Visual Information?

Visual dyslexia involves challenges in accurately perceiving letters, words, or symbols. It is not related to eyesight issues but rather how the brain interprets and processes visual stimuli.

Are There Strengths Associated With Dyslexia?

Yes, individuals with dyslexia often possess strengths and talents in areas such as creativity, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning. Many successful individuals with dyslexia have demonstrated resilience and unique abilities.

Can Dyslexia Co-occur With Auditory Processing Difficulties?

Yes, some individuals with dyslexia may have co-occurring auditory processing disorder (APD), affecting how the brain processes auditory information, particularly in complex or noisy environments.

How Can Emotional And Psychological Impacts Of Dyslexia Be Addressed?

Addressing the emotional and psychological impacts of dyslexia involves fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, providing personalized interventions, and promoting a strengths-based perspective to boost self-esteem.


Dyslexia is a complex and multifaceted condition that manifests in various forms. Each individual with dyslexia is unique, and the challenges they face can differ. Understanding the different forms of dyslexia helps educators, parents, and individuals themselves tailor interventions and support strategies to address specific needs.
It's important to approach dyslexia with a strengths-based perspective, recognizing the diverse talents and abilities that individuals with dyslexia bring to the table. By fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, society can empower individuals with dyslexia to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to various aspects of life.
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James Pierce

James Pierce

Karan Emery

Karan Emery

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