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Fallen Tree Removal Cost - Factors, Estimates, And Considerations

Discover the intricacies of fallen tree removal cost. From size factors to emergency services, learn to budget for efficient and safe tree removal.

Author:Frazer Pugh
Reviewer:Emmanuella Shea
Dec 10, 2023
Dealing with a fallen tree on your property can be a challenging and potentially costly task. The removal process involves various factors that contribute to the overall fallen tree removal cost. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore these factors, provide estimates, and offer valuable insights to help you better understand and manage the fallen tree removal cost.

Factors Influencing Tree Removal Prices

The tree removal firm avoids the risk and expense of having to fell a tree if it has already fallen, maybe during a strong storm. Once the tree is on the ground, almost all the risk associated with removal is eliminated, so all your tree removal company needs to do is load the material into a wood chipper.
The cost of removing a fallen tree can vary significantly based on numerous factors, each playing a crucial role in determining the overall expense. Understanding these factors is essential for homeowners and property managers looking to budget for fallen tree removal. Below is a detailed exploration of the key factors influencing fallen tree removal costs:

Tree Size And Complexity

  • Larger trees generally incur higher removal costs. The size of a fallen tree influences the amount of labor, equipment, and expertise required for a safe and efficient removal process.
  • Trees with intricate structures, such as multiple trunks or extensive branching, add complexity to the removal process. The more complex the tree, the more effort and time are needed, impacting overall costs.

Location Of The Fallen Tree

  • The ease of access to the fallen tree site is a critical factor. If the tree is located in a challenging or hard-to-reach area, additional equipment and labor may be required, contributing to increased removal costs.
  • Trees close to buildings, power lines, or other structures pose greater challenges during removal. The need for careful planning and specialized techniques to avoid damage can influence overall removal expenses.

Proximity To Structures And Utilities

  • Fallen trees near structures require careful consideration of structural integrity. Removing a tree close to a building may involve additional precautions to prevent damage, affecting the overall cost.
  • The presence of power lines or other utilities near the fallen tree can complicate the removal process. Professional expertise is often required to ensure the safety of both the removal team and nearby infrastructure, adding to the overall cost.

Emergency Removal Services

  • When a fallen tree poses an immediate threat or hazard, emergency removal services may be necessary. The urgency and prompt response required in such situations often lead to higher removal costs.
  • Emergency removals may demand specialized expertise and equipment, contributing to increased expenses. The need for quick and decisive action can influence the overall cost of the removal service.

Tree Species

  • Different tree species have varying wood densities and structures, influencing the ease of removal. Hardwood trees, for example, may require more effort and time for removal compared to softer wood varieties, impacting overall costs.
  • Some tree species may require special handling due to their characteristics. Arborists may need to employ specific techniques or equipment, affecting the overall cost of removal.

Disposal Of Debris

  • The method chosen for disposing of tree debris affects costs. Chipping the debris on-site may be more cost-effective than hauling it away. Each disposal option comes with its associated expenses, influencing the overall removal cost.
  • Responsible disposal methods, such as recycling wood chips or using the wood for other purposes, may have associated costs. Property owners opting for environmentally friendly disposal methods should factor this into their overall budget.
Fallen tree on ground
Fallen tree on ground

Average Cost Of Fallen Tree Removal

Removing a tree that is already on the ground will be less expensive than doing so if the tree were still standing. This is presumably due to an obvious explanation. It saves a good deal of time and work because the tree doesn't need to be taken down.
When removing a standing tree, a crane is frequently required due to its size. It's usually taken down limb by limb, which might take a long time when it's a large tree. That's a different story, though, if it's already on the ground.
Naturally, in many instances, only a portion of the tree has fallen, which may somewhat but not totally lower the cost of removing the fallen tree.
The usual fallen tree removal cost varies greatly, so be prepared for a wide range of prices when you look online. As we are unable to comment on the actions of other businesses, let's discuss how much Joshua Tree charges to remove fallen trees in Pennsylvania.
The size is the main variable that will affect the price. A fallen tree will be fed through a chipper by us. That will take longer the larger the tree.
Additionally, the cost may vary depending on where the tree fell. One consideration is how challenging it is to reach the tree, even if it is already on the ground.
Here is a ballpark range to expect:
  • Small trees (heights between 10 and 30 feet) - $200 to $400.
  • Medium-sized trees (30–60 feet tall) -$400 to $1400.
  • Large Trees (60 to 120 feet in height) - $1400 to $3500.

Why Do Various Tree Care Businesses Have Differing Fees?

As we stated at the outset, whether the tree is standing, has fallen, or is partially fallen, the prices you receive for removal vary from company to company. Although it is undoubtedly true that the local market influences price setting, other factors also have an impact.
A company's level of expertise and experience, the kind of equipment they use, and other important aspects will all have an effect on the final cost. These two factors are crucial if you want to ensure that tree removal is done correctly.
In actuality, a fallen tree still needs to be taken down properly and quickly. You don't want the removal process to leave a mess. You need a really competent business that will handle every issue in the proper manner.

Additional Considerations In Fallen Tree Removal Cost

When it comes to fallen tree removal, several additional considerations play a pivotal role in shaping the overall cost and ensuring a smooth and well-executed process. These factors go beyond the fundamental aspects of tree size and location, adding nuance and complexity to the estimation and execution of the removal. Here are key additional considerations:

Permits And Regulations

  • Understanding Local Regulations -Before initiating fallen tree removal, it's crucial to be aware of local regulations governing tree removal. Municipalities often have specific rules regarding tree removal, especially for larger trees or those located in protected areas. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and legal complications.
  • Securing Necessary Permits -Depending on your location and the characteristics of the tree, you may need to obtain permits for its removal. This process may involve submitting an application, providing details about the tree, and waiting for approval. Factor in the time and potential costs associated with obtaining the required permits.

Insurance Coverage

  • Policy Review -Check your homeowner's insurance policy to determine whether fallen tree removal is covered. Some insurance policies include coverage for the removal of fallen trees, particularly if the tree has caused damage to structures on the property.
  • Coverage Limits and Exclusions- Understand the limits of your coverage and any exclusions that may apply. Policies vary, and while some may cover removal costs up to a certain amount, others may have specific exclusions or limitations. Being informed about your insurance coverage can significantly impact the financial aspect of fallen tree removal.

DIY Vs. Professional Services

  • Safety Considerations -While some property owners may consider a DIY approach to save costs, it's crucial to prioritize safety. Removing fallen trees can be hazardous, especially if they are near structures or power lines. Professionals have the expertise and equipment to ensure a safe removal process.
  • Cost-Effectiveness of Professional Services -Hiring professional arborists or tree removal services is often more cost-effective in the long run. Professionals have the necessary tools and experience to handle various tree removal scenarios efficiently, minimizing the risk of damage and ensuring a thorough cleanup.
Fallen tree
Fallen tree

Environmental Impact

  • Responsible Disposal Methods -Consider the environmental impact of fallen tree removal. Responsible disposal methods, such as recycling wood chips or using the wood for other purposes, may align with sustainability goals. Some removal services offer environmentally friendly disposal options, and factoring this into your decision may influence the overall cost.
  • Wildlife Considerations- If the fallen tree is providing habitat for wildlife, especially in ecologically sensitive areas, consult with local wildlife authorities. Considerations for preserving natural habitats may impact the removal process and associated costs.

Post-Removal Cleanup

  • Debris Removal and Site Cleanup -The cost of fallen tree removal may or may not include post-removal cleanup. Confirm with the removal service what is covered in the quoted price. Clear communication about the disposal of debris and the extent of site cleanup is essential to avoid misunderstandings and potential additional costs.
  • Landscaping Restoration -Depending on the extent of the removal, there may be a need for landscaping restoration. This could involve filling in holes left by the removal, planting new vegetation, or reseeding the area. Factoring in these potential landscaping costs is essential for a complete understanding of the overall expense.
If you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars, you can do it yourself too:

Eight Steps To A DIY Tree Removal

The basic stages for taking down a tree by oneself are as follows:
  • First, evaluate the tree and its surroundings. Verify that no structures, including electricity lines, could be harmed during the removal operation.
  • Use a rope or another tool to draw out the tree's anticipated fall path and estimate where the tree will fall.
  • To soften the surrounding soil, water the tree base. Later on, it will be simpler to remove the roots thanks to this. The day before you intend to begin the removal process, it should be completed.
  • Make a cut in the trunk of the tree. This will assist you in managing the fall's direction. The notch should face the direction you wish the tree to fall and should be located approximately one-third of the way through the trunk.
  • Verify that no one or any animals are in the area around the tree. You can start cutting through the trunk from the top of the notch down after you are certain that the region is free.
  • As you cut through the trunk, apply pressure to the side of the tree opposite the direction you want it to fall. This will assist in regulating the tree's descent.
  • The tree should start to fall when the trunk has been cut through. If not, you can pull it in the desired direction with a rope or another device.
  • After the tree is on the ground, break it into smaller pieces and remove the branches for easier disposal.
WARNING - It might be risky to remove trees, so wear safety gear such as work gloves, safety goggles, hard hats, and hearing protection. Hiring a professional tree service is strongly recommended if you're not acquainted with chainsaws.

Fallen Tree Removal Cost FAQs

How Does The Size Of A Fallen Tree Impact The Removal Cost?

Larger trees generally incur higher removal costs due to the increased labor, equipment, and expertise required for their safe and efficient removal.

Are Emergency Tree Removal Services More Expensive?

Yes, emergency tree removal services often come with higher costs due to the urgency and prompt response required to address immediate threats or hazards.

What Role Does The Tree's Species Play In Fallen Tree Removal Cost?

The species of the fallen tree can affect removal costs, with some hardwoods requiring more effort and time for removal compared to softer wood varieties.

Do Insurance Policies Cover The Cost Of Fallen Tree Removal?

It's advisable to check with your insurance provider, as coverage for fallen tree removal may vary. Some policies may offset certain costs associated with removal.

Are There Permits Required For Fallen Tree Removal?

Local regulations and permits may apply to tree removal. It's essential to check with local authorities to ensure compliance, which can impact the overall cost.

Is It Safe To Attempt DIY Fallen Tree Removal?

While some may attempt DIY removal, it's generally safer and more cost-effective to hire professional arborists or tree removal services, especially for larger or more complex trees.

How Can I Get An Accurate Estimate For Fallen Tree Removal On My Property?

To get an accurate estimate, it's recommended to consult with professional arborists or tree removal services. They can assess the specific circumstances of your situation and provide a detailed cost estimate based on the unique factors involved.


Understanding the factors influencing fallen tree removal cost is crucial for making informed decisions when faced with this situation. By considering the size, location, and complexity of the fallen tree, along with potential additional services, you can better estimate and budget for the removal process.
Always consult with professional arborists or tree removal services to get accurate assessments and ensure the safe and efficient removal of fallen trees from your property.
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Frazer Pugh

Frazer Pugh

Frazer Pugh is a distinguished expert in finance and business, boasting over 6 years of experience. Holding an MBA in Finance from Stanford University, Frazer's credentials underscore his authority and expertise in the field. With a successful track record in executive roles and as a published author of influential articles on financial strategy, his insights are both deep and practical. Beyond his professional life, Frazer is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and cuisines. His commitment to delivering trustworthy analysis and actionable advice reflects his dedication to shaping the world of finance and business, making a significant impact through his work.
Emmanuella Shea

Emmanuella Shea

Emmanuella Shea is a distinguished finance and economics expert with over a decade of experience. She holds a Master's degree in Finance and Economics from Harvard University, specializing in financial analysis, investment management, and economic forecasting. Her authoritative insights and trustworthy advice have made her a highly sought-after advisor in the business world. Outside of her professional life, she enjoys exploring diverse cuisines, reading non-fiction literature, and embarking on invigorating hikes. Her passion for insightful analysis and reliable guidance is matched by her dedication to continuous learning and personal growth.
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