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Hip-Hop Hooray

Some highlights from Ralph Z. Hallow’s interview with Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, in The Washington Times: We want to convey that

Jul 31, 20205K Shares506.5K Views
Some highlights from Ralph Z. Hallow’s interviewwith Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, in The Washington Times:
We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-suburban hip-hop settings.
We need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets.
And also:
We missed the mark in the past, which is why we are in the crapper now.
People who said I can’t make the trains run on time never gave a reason. I say to them, “Stuff it.”
It’s time for them to come on and ride the train — choo-choo ride it.
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

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