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CBD Plus USA - A Leading Brand In CBD

CBD Plus USA presents itself as a safe, legal, and cost-effective CBD supplement. The goal of this Oklahoma corporation is to rule the entire country. However, they're part of a worrying trend in the CBD market right now: 'all-natural' claims that don't hold up under inspection. We can overlook a few synthetic compounds, but lying about the all-natural status of your product range is dishonest. Parabens are also included in their CBD topical, which is unacceptable. We're going to hold off on approving it until a few changes are made.

Author:Katharine Tate
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Aug 02, 202313.9K Shares217.7K Views
CBD Plus USApresents itself as a safe, legal, and cost-effective CBD supplement. The goal of this Oklahoma corporation is to rule the entire country. However, they're part of a worrying trend in the CBD market right now: 'all-natural' claims that don't hold up under inspection. We can overlook a few synthetic compounds, but lying about the all-natural status of your product range is dishonest. Parabens are also included in their CBD topical, which is unacceptable. We're going to hold off on approving it until a few changes are made.
CBD Plus is a CBD-containing supplement. The CBD in the United States is derived from non-GMO hemp grown locally, but we have no idea how it's extracted because they only say it's 'carefully extracted.' If CBD Plus USA wants to be the powerhouse they claim to be, we strongly advise them to make this information public.
At the moment, they exclusively publish cannabinoid profiles for their CBD products. To qualify for our Safety Badge, we demand contamination testing for each batch of CBD oil used to make product or for each SKU.
The front view of a CBD Plus USA Store in Lubbock, Texas
The front view of a CBD Plus USA Store in Lubbock, Texas

The Relationship Between CBD Plus USA And Colorado Cures

CBD Plus USA markets their products under the Colorado Cures brand name. Colorado Cures is a well-known Colorado-based company that sells a wide range of products. They even offer curbside assistance for collecting items during the outbreak.
On their capsules, CBD Plus USA is the brand name, but it's probable that this may be taken out in favor of the new Colorado Cures identity. According to the company, all of its products are made with natural ingredients, and the majority of them are full spectrum.
A product that contains the entire range of cannabinoids present in hemp is referred to as "full spectrum." These products will contain CBD, CBN, CBC, and up to 110 other cannabinoids. A full spectrum product is truly distinguished by the presence of 0.3 percent THC. This is the legal limit for hemp-derived CBD products. The entourage will be in full effect with Colorado Cures full spectrum tinctures because they include the entire range of cannabinoids. Colorado Cures' goods are listed below.
  • Tinctures of CBD Isolate.
  • Taffy and CBD Vegan Gummy Bears.
  • Tinctures with a broad spectrum of CBD.
  • CBD Cones for Medical Use.
  • CBD Topicals are a kind of CBD oil.
  • CBD Capsules are a kind of CBD oil that comes in capsule form.
  • Third-party businesses provide CBD for pets, water, wax kits, vape, and vape accessories.

Final Words

CBD Plus USA, established in Oklahoma, claims to provide a simple and honest alternative to pharmaceuticals. They, like many CBD businesses, want to erase the stigma around cannabis and make all-natural treatment more mainstream. Their stated goal is to become the largest and most trusted CBD provider in their state, then the country.
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Katharine Tate

Katharine Tate

Karan Emery

Karan Emery

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