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Natural And Alternative Treatment Choices For Allergies

Learn all about the main alternative and natural treatments for allergies, their nature, safety, and effectiveness. It should be pointed out that the different treatments have different purposes.

Author:Katharine Tate
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Oct 11, 202314.1K Shares208.1K Views
Have you ever wondered if it is better for you to choose a natural or other alternative treatment or remedies for relief from allergies? This is a question that many sufferers ask, given that traditional treatments do not offer complete relief and often cause side effects. The reality is that there is more than one alternative treatment option available. It is worth looking at all of the most popular ones so that you can decide which one is for you.

Main Alternative And Natural Treatments For Allergies

Learn all about the main alternative and natural treatments for allergies, their nature, safety, and effectiveness. It should be pointed out that the different treatments have different purposes. Some are designed to eliminate the cause of the problem; namely, the increased production of histamine. Others are designed to give you relief from specific symptoms.


Acupuncture is an alternative treatment for allergies that is constantly gaining popularity. When you go to the practitioner’s office, you will lie down comfortably and needles will be inserted into different spots on your body. This is not painful. No discomfort is caused either.
The needles stimulate different organs in the body to produce hormones one of which is endorphin. It causes overall relaxation and a sense of wellbeing. The main benefit of acupuncture is easing the breathing of allergy sufferers. It is a recommended alternative treatment to all those who have breathing problems and especially to asthma sufferers. Acupuncture is not known to cause any side effects.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is primarily used for pain relief in allergy sufferers. A high-intensity light is applied to swollen skin areas and blocked sinuses. You will get temporary relief from the swelling, blocked sinuses, and pain. The main disadvantage of this therapy is that it may produce some serious side effects with skin damage being the most common one. It is worth pointing out that some of these side effects can be permanent.


Biofeedback is another alternative treatment for allergies. If you choose this option, you will learn how to control and eliminate natural physical reactions of the body to environmental changes. In this case, you will focus on the reactions caused by allergens. The techniques that you will learn are completely natural and perfectly safe to apply. The effectiveness of biofeedback has not been proven and more research is needed. Still, it is known to have produced good results in many allergy sufferers and especially in children and teenagers.


Hypnosis is a fully recognized psychological treatment that has positive effects on the physical as well as mental wellbeing of patients. When performed by a medical professional, hypnotherapy is perfectly safe. It can help allergy sufferers stay relaxed and follow their prescribed treatment more strictly. In some cases, pain can be relieved to an extent.

Massages, Yoga, Deep Breathing

Massages, yoga, deep breathing techniques, and relaxation technique can also be used as alternative treatments for allergies. All of these methods help with the relief of stress and anxiety. As most allergy sufferers know, these factors can directly affect breathing and cause even greater problems than the ones caused by the allergic reaction. All of these methods are safe and can be useful for controlling breathing naturally. They are recommended especially to people who have asthma due to their allergies.

How About Natural And Herbal Alternative Treatments For Allergies?

The popularity of herbal and plant remedies is growing and a lot of new research results are more than promising. Still, it is important for an herbal or supplementary treatment to be prescribed or at least approved by a medical doctor.
Taking butterbur tablets four times a day can effectively relieve grass allergy symptoms, according to recently conducted studies. This natural remedy may be helpful for other types of allergies as well. Nettle and goldenseal can be effective for symptom relief as well. A nasal solution made from them has been proven to clean the nasal passages from pollen. It works to eliminate the mucous as well. Quercetin is a natural substance made from grape seed extract and flavonoids. These antioxidants may affect the histamine production in the body to an extent and alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms. The substance is not known to have any side effects.
Overall, you should definitely consider using alternative treatments for allergies. There are a lot of simple things you can do to relieve the symptoms while using conventional or special treatment. For instance, you can apply a hot compress on your sinuses to get relief from blockage and reduce pain.
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Katharine Tate

Katharine Tate

Karan Emery

Karan Emery

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