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Exposed To Contaminated Water? What To Do Next

Science shows that up to 60% of the human body is water—even the seemingly dry parts of the body like the bones.

Author:Katharine Tate
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Aug 12, 2022125 Shares1.7K Views
Science shows that up to 60% of the human body is water—even the seemingly dry parts of the body like the bones. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a living human bone is 31% water. Being a significant component in the human body, humans must take a specific amount of it to survive or stay healthy.
Unfortunately, water can and has sometimes become the source of illnesses or even death. The main causes of death or illnesses in water are contaminants.
While you cannot do much if you are affected by water contamination from your poor mishandling or storage, you may be eligible to recover compensation if the contamination occurs due to the negligence of another entity.

What to Do After Exposure to Water Contamination

Seek Medical Attention

Unless your area has a water contamination history, there is no way of knowing if your symptoms are linked to the water you drink. So, it is always important to seek professional helpif you have persistent symptoms of illnesses. The doctor can identify the cause of your illness by conducting blood and stool sample testing.
Common indicators of water contamination include E. coli and other microbial organisms in the blood and stool. But microbial contamination is not the only indicator. Pollutants such as chemicals can also result in sicknesses. Unfortunately, chemical pollutants may not show at your local doctor's lab.
However, if there are multiple unexplained illnesses, the doctor may recommend further testing, which can help establish the presence of other pollutants.
If it is established that your condition results from water contamination, it is important to follow through with your doctor's recommended treatment. Following the doctor's recommendation helps speed up recovery and getting documentation for your case.

Document Your Life After Exposure

The value of any lawsuit depends on several factors, such as the level of pain suffered by victims and its economic impact. Therefore, documenting your life can be an excellent way of creating evidence that could be used in your case.
Documentation can include pictures and video footage of injuries, such as surgical wounds, and daily progress or deterioration of your condition. Also, you may want to keep all records relating to your case, including medical expenses and home improvement bills, if the improvement is directly due to the change of lifestyle resulting from your condition, etc.

Speak to a Lawyer

Often water contamination is caused by industries or government agencies responsible for processing and distributing water, for example, the Camp Lejeune water contamination that occurred between 1940 to the late 1980s.
The main contaminant in the water at Camp Lejeune was Perchloroethylene (PCE), a known carcinogenic. If you lived in Camp Lejeune in North Carolina during the period and have been diagnosed with cancer, you may want to join a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit.
When filing a water contamination lawsuit, you must be careful about the quality of your legal counsel because the process can get complicated. However, working with reputable lawyers, such as the Dolman Law Group's water contamination lawyers, who have experience handling similar cases can help you obtain the most favorable outcome.

How a Lawyer Can Help

Like other types of personal injury cases, navigating your claim without a lawyer is possible. However, the chances of getting fair compensation without a lawyer are almost zero. Statistics show that involving a lawyer in a personal injury case increases the chances of fair compensation by up to four times.
Some ways a lawyer helps improve the prospects of your case include evidence gathering, contacting expert witnesses, and bringing in their experience accumulated over their years of practice. Also, having a lawyer commands respect means the other side will not take advantage of your lack of knowledge on legal matters.
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Katharine Tate

Katharine Tate

Karan Emery

Karan Emery

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