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Coastal Hikes On The Pacific Northwest - Fun Activities

Coastal hikes on the Pacific Northwest offer some of the most scenic and breathtaking trails in the United States. From the rugged coastline to the dense forests, hikers can experience the stunning beauty of the Pacific Ocean while exploring the diverse landscape of the region.

Author:Tyreece Bauer
Reviewer:Tobey Strickland
May 15, 2023149 Shares1.9K Views
Coastal hikes on the Pacific Northwestoffer some of the most scenic and breathtaking trails in the United States.
From the rugged coastline to the dense forests, hikers can experience the stunning beauty of the Pacific Ocean while exploring the diverse landscape of the region.
Whether you are an experienced hiker or a beginner, there are trails to suit every level of fitness and interest.
In this article, we will explore the best coastal hikes on the Pacific Northwest, as well as some tips for planning and enjoying your hiking adventure.

What Are Coastal Hikes On The Pacific Northwest?

Coastal hikes on the Pacific Northwest refer to a variety of hiking trails that run along the coastline of the states of Washington, Oregon, and northern California.
These hikes offer breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, rugged cliffs, sea stacks, and other coastal features.
The Pacific Northwest is known for its wild and scenic coastline, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and hikers.
Coastal hikes can vary in length and difficulty, from easy walks to challenging multi-day backpacking trips.

Planning Your Coastal Hike

When planning a coastal hike on the Pacific Northwest, there are several things to consider to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Research The Trail

Before embarking on a coastal hike, research the trail and its difficulty level. Make sure you are prepared for the distance, elevation gain, and any potential hazards along the way.

Check The Weather

The weather on the Pacific Northwest coast can be unpredictable, so be sure to check the forecast before heading out. Dress in layers and bring rain gear, just in case.

Get A Permit

Some coastal hikes require permits, so be sure to check if you need one before starting your journey.

Bring Enough Food And Water

Coastal hikes can be long and strenuous, so bring enough water and snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day.

Tell Someone Your Plans

Before heading out on your hike, let someone know your plans, including where you are going, when you plan to return, and what to do if they don't hear from you.
By taking these steps, you can ensure that you are prepared for your coastal hike and have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Best Coastal Hikes On The Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest region offers a vast array of coastal hikes for outdoor enthusiasts to explore. Here are some of the best coastal hikes in the region:

Olympic National Park - Rialto Beach

A 1.5-mile hike along a rugged and rocky beach with sea stacks, tide pools, and driftwood.

Cannon Beach - Ecola State Park

A 9-mile trail through old-growth forests, meadows, and panoramic coastal views.

Cape Flattery Trail

A 1.5-mile hike through dense forest to the northwesternmost point in the contiguous United States, offering views of sea caves and a lighthouse.

Olympic National Park - Second Beach

A 1.5-mile trail to a secluded beach with sea stacks and a waterfall.

Oregon Coast Trail

A 382-mile trail that winds through the entire Oregon coast, passing by sea cliffs, lighthouses, and sand dunes.

Ruby Beach - Olympic National Park

A 1.5-mile hike to a picturesque beach with sea stacks and tidal pools.

Shi Shi Beach - Olympic National Park

A 2.8-mile hike to a secluded beach with tide pools, sea stacks, and sea caves.

Kalaloch Beach - Olympic National Park

A 1.4-mile hike to a beach with tide pools, driftwood, and sea stacks.

Olympic National Park - Third Beach

A 1.5-mile hike to a beach with sea stacks, tide pools, and driftwood.

Hoh River Trail - Olympic National Park

A 17.3-mile hike through old-growth forest to the Hoh River, with the option to continue on to the coast.
Each of these hikes offers unique experiences and views of the Pacific Northwest's stunning coastline.

Pacific Northwest: Hiking Cape Perpetua on the Oregon Coast

Safety Tips For Coastal Hikes On The Pacific Northwest

Coastal hikes on the Pacific Northwest can be a breathtaking and adventurous experience, but it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers of hiking along the coast. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

Check The Weather Forecast

Coastal weather can be unpredictable and dangerous, with high winds, rain, and waves. Make sure to check the weather forecast before your hike and avoid hiking during storms or high winds.

Know The Tides

Coastal hikes may require you to cross tide pools or rocky areas, so it’s important to be aware of the tides. Plan your hike around low tide and avoid areas that may be submerged during high tide.

Wear Proper Footwear

The Pacific Northwest coast is often rocky and slippery, so it’s important to wear shoes with good traction and ankle support. Sandals or flip flops are not recommended for this type of terrain.

Bring Plenty Of Water And Food

Coastal hikes can be strenuous, and it’s important to stay hydrated and nourished throughout your hike. Bring enough water and snacks to keep your energy levels up.

Watch Out For Wildlife

The Pacific Northwest is home to a variety of wildlife, including bears, cougars, and snakes. Be aware of your surroundings and make noise to alert animals of your presence. It’s also important to store your food properly to avoid attracting wildlife.
By following these safety tips, you can have a safe and enjoyable coastal hiking experience on the Pacific Northwest.

Environmental Awareness And Leave No Trace Principles

When hiking along the stunning coastline of the Pacific Northwest, it's important to be mindful of the fragile environment and practice Leave No Trace principles. Here are some tips for reducing your impact on the environment:
  • Stick to designated trails- Avoid trampling on vegetation or creating new paths. Stick to established trails and walk in single file to minimize your impact.
  • Pack it in, pack it out- Whatever you bring with you on your hike, make sure to take it back out. This includes food wrappers, toilet paper, and other waste. Leave the area cleaner than you found it.
  • Dispose of waste properly- If you need to use the bathroom on your hike, make sure to do so at least 200 feet away from any water source. Dig a small hole at least 6 inches deep, and bury your waste along with any toilet paper.
  • Respect wildlife- Observe wildlife from a distance and avoid approaching or feeding them. Keep your dog on a leash to avoid disturbing wildlife.
  • Leave natural and cultural features undisturbed- Resist the urge to carve your name into a tree or stack rocks into a cairn. Leave natural and cultural features as you found them for others to enjoy.
By following these principles, you can help preserve the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest coastline for generations to come.

People Also Ask

What Are Some Of The Best Coastal Hikes On The Pacific Northwest?

There are many great coastal hikes in the Pacific Northwest, including the Oregon Coast Trail, Olympic National Park's Coastal Strip, and the Juan de Fuca Marine Trail in British Columbia.

What Kind Of Wildlife Can You See On Coastal Hikes In The Pacific Northwest?

The Pacific Northwest is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including whales, sea lions, otters, eagles, and a variety of seabirds.

When Is The Best Time To Go On Coastal Hikes In The Pacific Northwest?

The best time to go on coastal hikes in the Pacific Northwest is during the summer months when the weather is mild and dry.

What Should I Pack For A Coastal Hike In The Pacific Northwest?

It is important to pack appropriate clothing, including rain gear and warm layers, as well as sturdy hiking boots and plenty of water and snacks.

Are There Any Guided Tours Available For Coastal Hikes In The Pacific Northwest?

Yes, there are many guided tours available for coastal hikes in the Pacific Northwest, ranging from day hikes to multi-day backpacking trips. These tours offer a great way to explore the region with experienced guides and fellow hikers.

Final Thoughts

Coastal hikes on the Pacific Northwest offer a unique opportunity to experience some of the most breathtaking scenery in the United States.
Whether you're looking for a day hike or a multi-day backpacking trip, there are plenty of options to explore along the rugged coastline.
From sea stacks and tide pools to old-growth forests and panoramic views of the ocean, the Pacific Northwest has it all for nature enthusiasts and hiking aficionados.
With proper preparation and a sense of adventure, a coastal hike in the Pacific Northwest can be an unforgettable experience.
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Tyreece Bauer

Tyreece Bauer

Tobey Strickland

Tobey Strickland

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