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The White House reaffirms its support for a public option, and the result may be an opt-out system. Stabenow and Dodd are pushing for expedited benefits in

Jul 31, 202063K Shares1M Views
The White House reaffirmsits support for a public option, and the result may be an opt-out system.
Stabenow and Dodd are pushing for expedited benefitsin the health reform bill.
The DC same-sex marriage bill approaches its climax.
And yesterday 150 demonstratorsgathered in the capital to oppose the bill.
Americans for Tax Reformpushes Ben Nelson to oppose his party colleagues on health care.
But the Fox News audience has grown 8 percentsince the White House labeled it an arm of the Republican Party.
And a former Fox News commentatorsays that Glenn Beck’s “scary” language was one reason she left Fox.
Rhyley Carney

Rhyley Carney

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